JRV Home Inspection Services conducts a thorough, (typically 2.5 – 3 hours) home inspection consisting of a roof to basement evaluation of the readily accessible areas of the interior and exterior of your new home and its mechanical systems. We spend what ever time necessary to be sure you understand and are aware of the condition of the home prior to your purchase.
Upon completion of the inspection a comprehensive computer generated report will be provided to you usually within 24 hours. Included with every home inspection is a Termite / Wood Destroying Insect inspection with a separate report. We may also include additional information on radon, radon mitigation systems, well flow or septic systems if relative to your particular home. We also offer a wide choice of additional inspection services that many home buyers look for and require today.
Our general home inspection and report fully complies with the Connecticut Home Inspection Regulations.
JRV provides the following inspection & environmental services
Termite/Wood Destroying Insect Inspection We include a CT certified termite inspection, performed by a licensed exterminator, with every home inspection.
Infrared (IR) Thermal Imaging JRV provides this state of the art inspection technology at no additional cost.
Water Quality Testing We are able to perform a wide variety of water quality sampling for certified laboratory testing.
Radon Testing We conduct EPA & State approved continuous monitor radon testing. We are also able to sample your well water for radon.
New Construction Consultation & Progress Inspection Service If you are building a new home or having an addition or large renovation done on your existing home, we can provide comprehensive project oversight.
Septic Systems We can in many areas provide a septic inspection for our home inspection clients. For those areas we can not serve we strongly encourage hiring a professional, certified septic installer to inspect the system. A word of caution, it is preferable to pump and clean the tank as part of the inspection, which allows for interior inspection of the tank. The pumping and cleaning is customarily paid by the seller with the actual septic inspection paid by the buyer.
JRV Home Inspection Services DOES NOT perform the following services, but wishes to provide information to home buyers about these particular services.